Many beekeepers supplement their bees' diets with feed substitutes to help them through times when natural pollen and other resources are scarce. These food sources can help sustain and stimulate your bees, promoting activities such as foraging, scouting, honey production, and brood rearing.
Natural Pollen Substitutes for Honey Bees
At Mann Lake, we offer protein-rich pollen substitute options that are ready to use, designed to promote higher honey yields and brood production, outperforming competitive brands.
By using our products, you can be confident that you're giving your bees the best chance to thrive no matter what the season throws at them.
Feed Pollen Patties and More for Stronger Colonies
We have a wide variety of pollen substitutes to help support your colony all year round. Our dry pollen, pollen patties, and bulk patties come in different shapes and sizes and vary in cost so that you can find the perfect one to provide honey bees with the lipids, protein, minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins, and other essential nutrients they need for food production and brood development.
They're especially helpful in the winter for building hive strength and preparing the bees for early spring pollination and strong honey flow.
Accessories for Optimal Results
We also have many accessories to ensure a smooth and safe bee feed operation. From dry canisters to stainless steel mixers, we have everything you need for your pollen patties and other natural pollen substitutes.
Whether you're a beginner or an expert, we make it easy to find natural pollen substitutes that bees love and accessories you need to feed them effectively.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much pollen substitute should I give to my colony?
The amount depends on the colony size and their current needs. Generally, one 1 lb patty at a time is sufficient for a standard hive.
Should you leave the paper on pollen patties when adding them to your hive?
Yes, you should leave the paper on pollen patties when feeding them to honey bees. The paper helps keep the patty together and prevents it from falling apart inside the hive. Bees will chew through the paper as needed to access the pollen patty, so it does not hinder their ability to consume the food.
Can I use pollen substitutes year-round?
While substitutes are most beneficial during pollen shortages, they can also be used year-round to boost colony health if necessary. We do recommend using Pro-Winter Feed (hyperlink to product) for late fall and winter feeding, as this pollen substitute is specifically formulated to mimic the natural winter diet of honeybees. It provides a balanced nutritional profile with high carbohydrates and minimal protein, ensuring your bees have enough honey energy without stimulating premature brood rearing.
How long will pollen patties last in the hive?
Pollen patties can last a few days to a week, depending on the size of the colony, environmental conditions, and the bees' consumption rate. They should be replaced as needed to prevent spoilage.