Bee Swarm Management Supplies
At Mann Lake, we have swarm management supplies to help beekeepers keep their colonies under control and prevent swarming from getting out of hand. These supplies range from swarm traps and queen excluders to attractive gels, swarm lures, and transport bags to collect swarms.
Optimize Your Apiary with the Right Swarm Management Supplies
Managing your honey bees is essential to creating healthy honey bee swarms.
Effectively managing your honey bees is vital for maintaining healthy swarms and ensuring successful honey production. Our selection of high-quality swarming supplies includes:
- Bee Swarm Trap. Safely and effectively capture bee swarms.
- TempQueen. Maintain higher bee numbers in queen mating nuclei during early spring.
- Swarm Commander Crush Vials. Convenient, single-use attractant vials perfect for luring swarms.
- Swarm Commander Spray Lure. Effectively attract swarms with this easy-to-use spray formula.
- Nuc 5-Frame Plastic Nuc Box with Locking Lid. A secure and sturdy housing solution for your bees.
- White Waxed Corrugated Cardboard Nuc Box. An economical, lightweight option for swarm management.
- Jester Bee 5 Frame Corrugated Plastic EZ Nuc Box. A durable and reusable nuc box for housing your bees.
Choose from our comprehensive range of swarm management supplies to support the growth and well-being of your honey bee colonies.
What to Do With a Small Swarm of Bees
If you're prepared to handle more bees, it's best to catch the swarm, as it’s an easy way to grow your apiary and prevents them from settling in undesirable spots. Swarming is a natural part of a colony’s lifecycle, often occurring when they outgrow their hive and decide to split.
Swarms are usually calm, making them easy to catch. However, if you’re not ready for more bees or it’s a small swarm, you can leave them, but be aware they may move into inconvenient locations.
Why Choose Mann Lake?
With years of industry experience, our knowledgeable team is attuned to the specific needs of beekeepers, and we pride ourselves on providing top-quality swarm management supplies to maintain healthy and active queen bees and worker bees.
Enjoy free shipping on most orders over $150. For additional information on our honey bee swarm supplies, contact us at 1 (800) 880-7694.