Product Details
100% pure unreinforced beeswax foundation. For the best results use a wedged top bar and split bottom bar. Must be reinforced with cross wiring. Made in the USA.
- 17.40 inches
- 27.70 LBS
100% pure unreinforced beeswax foundation. For the best results use a wedged top bar and split bottom bar. Must be reinforced with cross wiring. Made in the USA.
Very flimsy. Doesn't install well. I thought I had bought the "Rite-Cell" foundation which is easy to install & has substantial strength. I will not buy this product again.
As good as it gets been using it 15 yrs. I'm yet to have a blow out in extractor. have always received product in good cond . i have always used Man lake frames also, ( glued and nailed frames)
These have worked well for me through the years. When they get backordered I go through other suppliers, it all works the same but Mann Lake uses UPS and so my foundation arrives in better condition.
I am not sure if I like it yet or not. I need for the bee's to draw out the honeycomb before I can really give it a real review, but I thought it would have been thicker than it is.
8 1/2" X 16 3/4" (21.59 cm x 42.55 cm) Brood Foundation