How To Identify Different Types of Bees Beekeeping Bees Bumble Bee Carpenter Bee Honey Bees Western Honey Bee How To Identify Different Types of Bees Imagine this: You’re walking through your garden when you hear a gentle buzz. You carefully kneel to inspect the flowers closely. On top of the colorful petals of one plant is a fuzzy black-and-yellow insect covered in p… Mann Lake 4 years ago
How To Save The Bees Without Becoming A Beekeeper Beekeepers Beekeeping Bees Garden Honey Bees Pollinators How To Save The Bees Without Becoming A Beekeeper There are many reasons to be a honey bee enthusiast! From their fascinating behavior to the invaluable work they do, honey bees are worthy of admiration.However, not everyone has the chance to commit to a life of b… Mann Lake 4 years ago
How To Overcome The Fear Of Stings When Beekeeping Bee Stings Beekeeping Bees Honey Bees Stings How To Overcome The Fear Of Stings When Beekeeping A few factors of running an apiary might give potential beekeepers a pause. Where will you keep your hives? How will you sell honey at the end of the season? Even if you have all the details figured out, you might still … Mann Lake 4 years ago
How To Order Honey Bees Online - What You Should Know Apiary Beehive Beekeeper Beekeeping Bees Honey Bees Nucs Package Bees Queen Bees Queens How To Order Honey Bees Online - What You Should Know Have you ever wondered how beekeepers get their bees? There are several ways to fill your apiary, but many beekeepers choose to buy their honey bees online. Like the rest of the world of online shopping, this method of a… Mann Lake 4 years ago
Varroa Mite Treatment Apivar Beekeeping Bees Hive Health Honey Bees Varroa Mite Treatment A Comprehensive Guide to Varroa Mite Treatment Varroa mites (Varroa destructor and Varroa jacobsoni) are parasites of adult honey bees and broods. They can weaken the bees or transmit honey bee viruses when left ign… Mann Lake 4 years ago
Foraging Bees: Honey Bees and Their Foraging Habits Beekeeping Bees Foragers Honey Bees Nectar Pollen Worker Bees Foraging Bees: Honey Bees and Their Foraging Habits All living creatures need some form of sustenance to live. For humans, this usually entails buying or making food for yourself and your family. Just as we humans do, honey bees rely on a diligent process to gather and pr… Mann Lake 4 years ago
How To Remove Your Queen Cage Correctly Beekeeping Bees Hive Honey Bee Colony Honey Bees Queen Installation Queens Requeening How To Remove Your Queen Cage Correctly Whether you’re installing an entire bee package or simply requeening one of your hives, removing the queen cage is one of the last steps to setting up a functional, thriving colony. While this is an exciting process, you… Mann Lake 4 years ago
3 Tips For Creating A Bee-Friendly Garden Bee-Friendly Garden Beekeeping Bees Flowers Garden Honey Bees Pollinator Garden Pollinators 3 Tips For Creating A Bee-Friendly Garden Honey bees are crucial members of our ecosystem. We need them to pollinate crops and help plants grow. That’s why many people are joining the fight to help save the bees.However, not everyone has the time, money, o… Mann Lake 4 years ago
Is Honey Acidic or Alkaline? Bees Honey Honey Bees Honey Nutrition Is Honey Acidic or Alkaline? Honey is a mixture of water, sugars, and trace amounts of vitamins and minerals. These components affect its acidity level, which influences the honey’s taste, texture, and scent. Honey is acidic. This is determine… Mann Lake 4 years ago