Why Is Beekeeping So Important? Beekeeping Bees Benefits Honey Bees Why Is Beekeeping So Important? All beekeepers are different. They have different motivations and methods, but the one thing they all have in common is their passion. Talk to any beekeeper about their bees, and they’ll be quick to tell you all about ho… Mann Lake 5 years ago
How Do Bees Communicate Bees Communication Honey Bees Movement Pheromones How Do Bees Communicate All animals have unique ways of communicating with each other. Some use body language and eye contact, while others have vocal patterns.Honey bees have two primary methods of talking to one another: movement and odor. Be… Mann Lake 5 years ago
Top Tips For Safely Handling Honey Bees Apiary Beekeeper Beekeeping Bees Hive Honey Bees Protective Gear Smoker Top Tips For Safely Handling Honey Bees As a beekeeper, your job is to keep you and your bees safe. No one wants to get stung, and no one wants to harm or alarm their colony. You can avoid both by taking the right precautions and preparations. When you are car… Mann Lake 5 years ago
8 Different Ways To Protect Honey Bees Beekeeping Bees Honey Bees Pollinators 8 Different Ways To Protect Honey Bees Everyone has heard about saving the bees, but why is it so important? Honey bees are vital to any environment and as such is a key part of the community. Bees are productive little workers, benefitting their own colonies… Mann Lake 5 years ago
How Do Honey Bees Create Honey? Beekeeping Bees Hive Honey Honey Bees How Do Honey Bees Create Honey? We all know the term “busy as a bee,” and we also know we have our buzzing little friends to thank for every spoonful of honey. However, it’s easy to take for granted all the hard work that goes into a jar of sweetness.&… Mann Lake 5 years ago
How To Care For A Beehive In The Winter Apiary Beekeeping Bees Hive Hive Winterization Honey Bees How To Care For A Beehive In The Winter With cold winter weather upon us, most bee populations have taken to their hives to nestle down with their colony and their honey for the winter. The winter season is a harsh time for most of nature, but with the right w… Mann Lake 5 years ago
How To Monitor And Control Varroa Mites Beekeeping Bees Hive Treatments Honey Bees Mites Varroa Mites How To Monitor And Control Varroa Mites Monitoring mites in your hives is an important part of beekeeping to ensure that your hives thrive! Read our guide for a few simple ways to manage and monitor the varroa mite population in your hive.Control The Varroa Mi… Mann Lake 6 years ago
Check, Please! Beekeeping Varroa Mites Varroa Mite Check Varroa EasyCheck Honey Bees Bees Check, Please! “Look, that rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide. It’s a killer.” – Tim, Monty Python and The Holy GrailI was once told an interesting comparison by a fellow beekeeper. She mentioned that size-wise a varroa mite o… Mann Lake 7 years ago
How Do I Prevent Swarms? Beekeeping Bees Hives Honey Bees Overcrowding Swarms Reproductive Swarms Swarming Swarms How Do I Prevent Swarms? One of the most challenging events to anticipate and manage in beekeeping is swarm prevention. While swarming is a natural phenomenon in the life cycle of bees, it can be quite problematic for beekeepers, disrupting prod… Mann Lake 7 years ago