Foraging Bees: Honey Bees and Their Foraging Habits Beekeeping Bees Foragers Honey Bees Nectar Pollen Worker Bees Foraging Bees: Honey Bees and Their Foraging Habits All living creatures need some form of sustenance to live. For humans, this usually entails buying or making food for yourself and your family. Just as we humans do, honey bees rely on a diligent process to gather and pr… Mann Lake 4 years ago
How To Remove Your Queen Cage Correctly Beekeeping Bees Hive Honey Bee Colony Honey Bees Queen Installation Queens Requeening How To Remove Your Queen Cage Correctly Whether you’re installing an entire bee package or simply requeening one of your hives, removing the queen cage is one of the last steps to setting up a functional, thriving colony. While this is an exciting process, you… Mann Lake 4 years ago
3 Tips For Creating A Bee-Friendly Garden Bee-Friendly Garden Beekeeping Bees Flowers Garden Honey Bees Pollinator Garden Pollinators 3 Tips For Creating A Bee-Friendly Garden Honey bees are crucial members of our ecosystem. We need them to pollinate crops and help plants grow. That’s why many people are joining the fight to help save the bees.However, not everyone has the time, money, o… Mann Lake 4 years ago
A Basic Guide To Installing Bee Packages Beekeeping Bees Hive Installation Honey Bees Package Bee Installation Queen A Basic Guide To Installing Bee Packages Honey bee packages make it easier than ever to get your hives buzzing. With a little online research, you can purchaselive package bees that fit your preferences based on their features. After that, you simply have… Mann Lake 4 years ago
How To Make A Beehive Moisture Board Beekeeping Bees Honey Bees Moisture Boards Winter How To Make A Beehive Moisture Board Once winter hits, your honey bees will be working hard to keep the inside of the hive warm. Unfortunately, the heat they produce comes with a dangerous side effect: moisture. Proper ventilation can keep moisture from bui… Mann Lake 4 years ago
2 Vital Reasons Why Bees Are So Important Agriculture Beekeeping Bees Ecosystem Honey Bees Pollination 2 Vital Reasons Why Bees Are So Important Everyone knows at least a few things about bees. The honey bee visits flowers and makes honey. They live in colonies and protect the queen bee. Many people also know there’s a great effort to save bee populations, but … Mann Lake 4 years ago
An Introduction To The Brood Nest Beekeeping Honey Bees Bees Beehive Hive Brood Nest Brood Cells An Introduction To The Brood Nest As a beekeeper, you need to know how the different parts of your beehive come together to make a thriving colony. While you have the chance to see all your honey bees and their home during inspections, there’s still plen… Mann Lake 4 years ago
How To Keep Animals Away From Your Beehives Beehives Beekeeping Bees Hives Honey Bees Predators How To Keep Animals Away From Your Beehives One of the best reasons to keephoney bees is the sweet, golden honey you can collect every summer. Unfortunately, humans aren’t the only creatures interested in the treasures of a buzzing beehive. Part of protectin… Mann Lake 4 years ago
Why Honeycombs Look The Way They Do Beehive Beekeeping Bees Foundation Hive Honey Bees Honeycomb Why Honeycombs Look The Way They Do Have you ever taken a peekinside a beehive? Beneath all the busy, buzzing honey bees, you’ll see the waxy, hexagonal foundation of the hive. Everything a honey bee does is for the betterment of the hive—including m… Mann Lake 4 years ago