Should You Open Your Hive Mid-Winter? winterization Should You Open Your Hive Mid-Winter? Many beekeepers often wonder about opening their hives during winter. While conventional wisdom advises against such interventions during the cold season, there's a range of perspectives on this topic. Some emphasize … Mann Lake a year ago
Pollen Substitutes: What is the difference between Ultra Bee and Ultra Bee Plus? Pollen Substitutes: What is the difference between Ultra Bee and Ultra Bee Plus? Pollen Substitutes in BeekeepingJust like most creatures, honey bees require proper nutrition and a healthy diet. Honey bees naturally fulfill these needs by foraging on plants for both pollen and nectar, both of which… Mann Lake 2 years ago
Beekeeping Classes - June 10th in Winter Haven, FL Beekeeping Classes - June 10th in Winter Haven, FL Come bee educated with us! We have a free class available at our Winter Haven, FL location on June 10th for beekeepers transitioning their hives from spring to summer. You must register to attend. Click the link below to… Mann Lake 2 years ago
Picking Your Honey Bee Breed Bee Breeds Beekeeping Bees For Sale Beginner Honey Bees Package Bees Picking Your Honey Bee Breed Picking the right honey bee breed for your apiary is an important step in setting up for success. Each breed comes with its own set of strengths and challenges, from temperament and honey production to disease resistance… Mann Lake 2 years ago
Mann Lake’s Gift Giving Guide for the Holidays Beekeeping Mann Lake’s Gift Giving Guide for the Holidays The holiday season is here, which means finding the perfect gift is on a lot of minds right now. For some this can be a very time-consuming and stressful situation. Have no fear though, Mann Lake is here with the late… Mann Lake 2 years ago
DIY Candles DIY Candles BEESWAX- FROM CAPPINGS TO CANDLES After harvesting honey, the wax cappings and comb can be rendered for candle making. Candles are very popular, and beeswax candles should fetch a premium at your local honey or craft fa… Mann Lake 2 years ago
Oxalic Acid Vaporizer Treatment for Bees Mite Treatment Oxalic Acid Vaporizer Treatment for Bees A highly effective treatment strategy for the management of Varroa mites in honeybee colonies is the use anOxyalic Acid Vaporizer. The two application methods available to beekeepers that use this mite control s… Mann Lake 2 years ago
Winterizing and Insulating Your Hive @Winterizing @Insulation Winterizing and Insulating Your Hive Honey bees struggle throughout the winter months. The colony might lose a lot of members and become smaller due to the chilly, hard winds. However, beekeepers are still able to winter their honey bee colonies and have th… Mann Lake 2 years ago
Winterization with Moisture Board & Hot Box Winterization with Moisture Board & Hot Box Though summer is the honey bee’s busiest season, they work hard all year long. When winter comes around, honey bees put a lot of effort into keeping the hive warm and making sure everyone—especially the queen—is sa… Mann Lake 2 years ago